* My heart is sea
Friends are fishes.
U r one of my golden fish
I will keep u safe in my fish
I will try to escape from my heart
I will fry u. BE Careful!!
* He+She=Love
So east or west bachelor life is best
So Enjoy your life.....
* No matter whether guys buy 220cc pulsars
Or 350cc Royal Enfields,
It is used only to follow a 80cc Scotty Pep!!
* New way Writing answer in Exams.
if u don't know d ans den put lines like dis
/ / / / / /
And write below..
"Scratch here 4 Answers"
* Heart of boy r like a temple!
Holy, truthful and pure..
Thats why when boys say " I love You"
Girls Remove their slippers..
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