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10 Male Archetypes to Empower You

10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
10 Male Archetypes to Empower You
Growing up in America, you’re surrounded by images of potential male role models including superheroes in cartoons, presidents, public figures, and countless male characters on TV and in the media. Boys seem to have at least one favorite hero at any given point in their childhood.

Growing up in America, you’re surrounded by images of potential male role models including superheroes in cartoons, presidents, public figures, and countless male characters on TV and in the media. Boys seem to have at least one favorite hero at any given point in their childhood.
As you grow up and find yourself in the shark tank of work, adult responsibilities, and family life, with children who look up to you, you may end up leaving behind your admiration of male superheroes. Maybe your wife thinks you shouldn’t spend time or money on adolescent ideas. But show her 10 Female Archetypes and she may be asking you to take her to the next Avengers movie.
An archetype isn’t defined by any specific characteristics. An archetype can be anyone who has traits that you admire or would like more of in your life. You can draw inspiration from them and even celebrate their achievements as your own. Consider revisiting your childhood favorites. Can you draw inspiration from them as an adult? You can also choose from this list of my top 10 picks.

John Lennon 

Born in England, John Lennon became an American household name. His musical talent blew up the stage with one of the most successful bands on the planet—The Beatles. John wasn’t shy when it came to performing, nor when it came to sharing his personal views on religion, politics, and equal rights.
Men and women alike loved and admired his popularity, talent, and courage to speak his mind. During a stage of our evolution where spirituality, growth, peace, and love were gaining new views and protestors seemed to be in every city, Lennon was on the front line. Television, newspapers, magazines, photographers, they all wanted their share of him. Lennon’s quotes, songs, and dedication to his beliefs are still admired today.
Come Together With the Imagination of John


Courageously standing up for the innocent people of Gotham City, Batman puts his personal love life, dreams, and even business on the backburner to save lives. He is a billionaire playboy, a successful businessman by day, and a superhero by night. He is a mere man with no mutant powers, just his ingenious gadgets and determination. These are the traits that make Batman one of the most popular superheroes of all time. Because he is an ordinary man, it reasons that any man could potentially become the Dark Knight.
Beat the Challenge With Batman


Also called the messiah, the messenger, the prophet, the Son of God, and the savior, Jesus is called upon for many tasks. He lived on this planet more than 2,000 years ago and is still praised by millions. He was the one to take away the sins of the Christians, and the Muslims look to him as a great messenger. No matter what religion, they all show respect to his name and missions. Even atheists may yell his name in times of despair or frustration. Jesus, the man who walked on water, changed water to wine, showed love to outcasts, and healed the sick, is an archetype for nearly any occasion.   


The deity with the human body and head of an elephant is one of the most popular in Hindu culture. As the remover of obstacles, Ganesha is looked upon before any ritual or spiritual activity is performed. The large head represents wisdom and understanding while the trunk represents versatility. The strength of an elephant’s trunk can range from picking up a tiny needle off the ground to uprooting a tree.
The mouse that is always with Ganesha symbolizes the ego. The ego can chip away all that is good and real in a person. When we allow the ego to have control we lose the focus on who we are as a soul. This is why Ganesha is sometimes shown riding the mouse, metaphorically controlling the direction of the ego.
Remove Obstacles With Ganesha

Johnny Depp

He is edgy yet open-hearted, a non-conformist yet something many can relate to—a father. He is also full of talent. This is not a man who will take just any role for a buck. Women and men alike are drawn to Depp, but why? I personally feel it is his honesty and true self that he allows all of us to see. A lot of celebrities are always in some type of character. I feel Depp is an exception—an aura that not only radiates brightly outward but also is welcoming.
Be Yourself With Depp

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognized faces in sports, and his skill and determination did not stop in the ring. Ali was a voice for the people. Refusing to fight in the Vietnam War turned a lot of heads and gained the attention of the American people. Although some may have condemned his decision, there were certainly many young boys who wished for the courage to do the same. He stood up for what he believed against the downward glares of the men before him.
Once again, he stepped away from the teachings and beliefs of his parents when he converted to Islam. Ali believed in himself, and his physical and mental strength is nearly unmatched in our time. Whether you like him or not, is not his concern. His concern is and always has been to be the best he can be in all aspects of his personal Dharma.
Be Courageous Enough for the Risk With Ali


The indestructible, raw power of the Hulk is the go-to archetype for strength. The man, Bruce Banner, is small, smart, and introverted. His counterpart—the Hulk—is raw, loud, and in-your-face scary. All eyes are focused on him, even those who are close to him are fearful of his uncontrollable rage. Even in heroic moments he may destroy or harm the innocent. Sometimes to do what’s right, we have to put our intellect and reasoning to the side and let our inner Hulk come out.
Unleash the Extrovert With the Hulk

Tony Montana

The character in the 1983 film Scarface is still loved by men of all ages. Tony was a gangster, boss, taking what he wanted by all means necessary. The character is based solely on greed, power, and corruption yet men of all races, backgrounds, and economic classes love him. Why? Because all men have a little gangster inside of them. They like that feeling of “I am the alpha.” There is also the notion that you will survive regardless of what you may have to do. It’s the primal, animalist instinct of living. This characteristic can be fulfilled in healthier ways than actually becoming a gangster, and Tony Montana is here to be the archetype for just that.


The ultimate archetype in any country, among any race, is God. Also called Creator, Allah, Brahman, the ultimate creator of all that exists, and more. Although many religions are divided around the world, many can agree that being more God-like is what many humans strive for.
In our current stage of humanity, God is looked at as male, but I believe that we have lost the feminine aspect of our ultimate archetype. I suggest that all men (and women) look at God as a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy and see how your challenges to life transform. To overcome, learn, create, and explore this planet that we live on, we need balance. Men have female hormones, just as women have male hormones. Embrace the feminine and masculine aspects of God. In doing so, you’ll find both inner and outer strength to confront your battles from every angle.
When taking on a character, remember to play the role, don’t allow the role to play you. Once you take on an archetype, it can become a part of who you are. This is why it’s important to only choose what you want of that character or person, leaving what you don’t like to the side. When you eat from a buffet you don’t have to place all dishes on your plate. Also when using a personality for your job that you don’t necessarily want to express to your wife and children, leave him in the car. Choose the more loving archetype before walking into your home. 
- See more at: http://www.chopra.com/ccl/10-male-archetypes-to-empower-you#sthash.A4Sq1mF0.dpuf
Growing up in America, you’re surrounded by images of potential male role models including superheroes in cartoons, presidents, public figures, and countless male characters on TV and in the media. Boys seem to have at least one favorite hero at any given point in their childhood.
As you grow up and find yourself in the shark tank of work, adult responsibilities, and family life, with children who look up to you, you may end up leaving behind your admiration of male superheroes. Maybe your wife thinks you shouldn’t spend time or money on adolescent ideas. But show her 10 Female Archetypes and she may be asking you to take her to the next Avengers movie.
An archetype isn’t defined by any specific characteristics. An archetype can be anyone who has traits that you admire or would like more of in your life. You can draw inspiration from them and even celebrate their achievements as your own. Consider revisiting your childhood favorites. Can you draw inspiration from them as an adult? You can also choose from this list of my top 10 picks.

John Lennon 

Born in England, John Lennon became an American household name. His musical talent blew up the stage with one of the most successful bands on the planet—The Beatles. John wasn’t shy when it came to performing, nor when it came to sharing his personal views on religion, politics, and equal rights.
Men and women alike loved and admired his popularity, talent, and courage to speak his mind. During a stage of our evolution where spirituality, growth, peace, and love were gaining new views and protestors seemed to be in every city, Lennon was on the front line. Television, newspapers, magazines, photographers, they all wanted their share of him. Lennon’s quotes, songs, and dedication to his beliefs are still admired today.
Come Together With the Imagination of John


Courageously standing up for the innocent people of Gotham City, Batman puts his personal love life, dreams, and even business on the backburner to save lives. He is a billionaire playboy, a successful businessman by day, and a superhero by night. He is a mere man with no mutant powers, just his ingenious gadgets and determination. These are the traits that make Batman one of the most popular superheroes of all time. Because he is an ordinary man, it reasons that any man could potentially become the Dark Knight.
Beat the Challenge With Batman


Also called the messiah, the messenger, the prophet, the Son of God, and the savior, Jesus is called upon for many tasks. He lived on this planet more than 2,000 years ago and is still praised by millions. He was the one to take away the sins of the Christians, and the Muslims look to him as a great messenger. No matter what religion, they all show respect to his name and missions. Even atheists may yell his name in times of despair or frustration. Jesus, the man who walked on water, changed water to wine, showed love to outcasts, and healed the sick, is an archetype for nearly any occasion.   


The deity with the human body and head of an elephant is one of the most popular in Hindu culture. As the remover of obstacles, Ganesha is looked upon before any ritual or spiritual activity is performed. The large head represents wisdom and understanding while the trunk represents versatility. The strength of an elephant’s trunk can range from picking up a tiny needle off the ground to uprooting a tree.
The mouse that is always with Ganesha symbolizes the ego. The ego can chip away all that is good and real in a person. When we allow the ego to have control we lose the focus on who we are as a soul. This is why Ganesha is sometimes shown riding the mouse, metaphorically controlling the direction of the ego.
Remove Obstacles With Ganesha

Johnny Depp

He is edgy yet open-hearted, a non-conformist yet something many can relate to—a father. He is also full of talent. This is not a man who will take just any role for a buck. Women and men alike are drawn to Depp, but why? I personally feel it is his honesty and true self that he allows all of us to see. A lot of celebrities are always in some type of character. I feel Depp is an exception—an aura that not only radiates brightly outward but also is welcoming.
Be Yourself With Depp

Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognized faces in sports, and his skill and determination did not stop in the ring. Ali was a voice for the people. Refusing to fight in the Vietnam War turned a lot of heads and gained the attention of the American people. Although some may have condemned his decision, there were certainly many young boys who wished for the courage to do the same. He stood up for what he believed against the downward glares of the men before him.
Once again, he stepped away from the teachings and beliefs of his parents when he converted to Islam. Ali believed in himself, and his physical and mental strength is nearly unmatched in our time. Whether you like him or not, is not his concern. His concern is and always has been to be the best he can be in all aspects of his personal Dharma.
Be Courageous Enough for the Risk With Ali


The indestructible, raw power of the Hulk is the go-to archetype for strength. The man, Bruce Banner, is small, smart, and introverted. His counterpart—the Hulk—is raw, loud, and in-your-face scary. All eyes are focused on him, even those who are close to him are fearful of his uncontrollable rage. Even in heroic moments he may destroy or harm the innocent. Sometimes to do what’s right, we have to put our intellect and reasoning to the side and let our inner Hulk come out.
Unleash the Extrovert With the Hulk

Tony Montana

The character in the 1983 film Scarface is still loved by men of all ages. Tony was a gangster, boss, taking what he wanted by all means necessary. The character is based solely on greed, power, and corruption yet men of all races, backgrounds, and economic classes love him. Why? Because all men have a little gangster inside of them. They like that feeling of “I am the alpha.” There is also the notion that you will survive regardless of what you may have to do. It’s the primal, animalist instinct of living. This characteristic can be fulfilled in healthier ways than actually becoming a gangster, and Tony Montana is here to be the archetype for just that.


The ultimate archetype in any country, among any race, is God. Also called Creator, Allah, Brahman, the ultimate creator of all that exists, and more. Although many religions are divided around the world, many can agree that being more God-like is what many humans strive for.
In our current stage of humanity, God is looked at as male, but I believe that we have lost the feminine aspect of our ultimate archetype. I suggest that all men (and women) look at God as a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy and see how your challenges to life transform. To overcome, learn, create, and explore this planet that we live on, we need balance. Men have female hormones, just as women have male hormones. Embrace the feminine and masculine aspects of God. In doing so, you’ll find both inner and outer strength to confront your battles from every angle.
When taking on a character, remember to play the role, don’t allow the role to play you. Once you take on an archetype, it can become a part of who you are. This is why it’s important to only choose what you want of that character or person, leaving what you don’t like to the side. When you eat from a buffet you don’t have to place all dishes on your plate. Also when using a personality for your job that you don’t necessarily want to express to your wife and children, leave him in the car. Choose the more loving archetype before walking into your home. 
- See more at: http://www.chopra.com/ccl/10-male-archetypes-to-empower-you#sthash.A4Sq1mF0.dpuf
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